Monday, July 4, 2011

A little tidbit on Sugar

Posted by Nina Luchka ... the motivated mom at Monday, July 04, 2011
I've heard it many times over and over, from clients, overhearing conversations, seeing what people pick at the grocery store.....sugar-free! sugar-free! sugar-free!

Many people think that food that is "sugar-free" is healthier and you will be able to lose weight when consuming these products. That's not the case!

Foods that are advertised as "sugar-free" cookies, cakes and pastries will NOT help you lose weight, control weight, or help you control diabetes. You've gotten the wrong message!

White flour makes your blood pressure rise almost as much as table sugar. Most recipes for baked goods use about six cups of flour for every cup of sugar. Eliminating sugar from the recipe does nothing to slow the rise in blood sugar that you get when you eat bakery products. So whether you eat the regular bakery products or the sugar free ones, they are both just as bad.

You can easily bake healthy, YUMMY, desserts without white flour or sugar. You can use healthy flours, or no flour for that matter, and healthy "sugars" to sweeten your desserts. So there is no need to totally eliminate desserts from your life! With the right ingredients and limiting it to once a week for instance, you can still keep your weight under control, keep your blood sugars under control and keep your diabetes under control for those who are diabetic!

Happy Healthy Baking!

I will include a recipe later this week. In the meantime, please feel free to POST YOUR FAVORITE healthy dessert!

NL xoxo


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