Thursday, August 4, 2011

For the Curious....I'm NOT Doing Olympia!

Posted by Nina Luchka ... the motivated mom at Thursday, August 04, 2011
WOW!!  So many come to my blog and check out my post on "Im going to Olympia!".  lol   Well, I've decided NOT to compete in the Olympia. 

You know, you get to a point in your life where you have achieved what you wanted to do.  And I have done that!  I trained hard, STAYED NATURAL!, and got my Pro card.  I've stepped on the Arnold Classic Stage, did one qualifying show in Montreal and qualified for the Olympia, and stepped on the Olympia stage!  There were a few of my goals and I did it!

Then I had a baby, got into a "comfort zone" of not working out and doing everything for my little one, and thats the reason for stepping on the Toronto Pro stage this past June.  It wasn't to "TRY" and qualify for the Olympia,been there, done that was for me to get my motvation back!  Something I needed to do.   I jsut happened to place 4th (against all these youngins!) and because the top 3 already had their qualifications, the next in line qualifies for the Olympia....thats ME!

My decision of NOT competing came to me when I needed to sign the Olympia Contract by July 29.  I looked it over and noticed that I only get a VIP ticket for my husband .  The last time I did Olympia, my flight and hotel were paid for and I got a VIP ticket.  But I guess cause I didnt "technically" place top 3,  that my hotel and flight are NOT paid for.  So, Vince and I were going to make a vacation out of it and stay longer and enjoy Vegas with Aspen.....Vince and I love Vegas and we are not gamblers.  But now that I would have this expense added on, a trip to vegas to compete in the Olympia, that would be "JUST FOR FUN", would now be an approx $3500 trip! Vince and I could have a better trip to enjoy and at a cheaper cost.

So, many of you are probably saying...."but this is the Olympia!!!  This is the Best of the Best in the world!  Not everyone will ever have this chance to step on this stage!"  Well, I've been there and done that.  I dont "need" to step on that stage again.  It wont mean as much as it did when I first stepped on that stage and achieved my goal.   Once a goal is achieved, we move on to achieve other goals...and this is what I am doing.

On to the next goal!.....hmmmmm....i wonder what it will be!! ;)

NL xoxo


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