Friday, August 26, 2011

Mmmmm...a little comfort to start the day!

Posted by Nina Luchka ... the motivated mom at Friday, August 26, 2011
I LOVE waking up in the early mornings, even on weekends, sit outside on the deck and enjoy my "hot chocolate".  You know how hot chocolate gives you that WARM, COMFORT in the winter when you are bundled up in comfy clothes and a blanket!  Well this is what I do every morning before everyone wakes some mornings can be chilly.  I have my pj's on and grab a sweater, go make my "hot chocolate", grab my laptop and a book, and sit outside on the deck!  Its so peaceful in the mornings with the birds chirping.....this is when i have a clear mind and I have my good ideas.  Im a thinker....I am constantly thinking of buisness stuff........and I LOVE to learn!
So you must be reading this so far thinking....."she's drinking hot chocolate?!!  This person who is into fitness and talks about eating healthy, is drinking hot chocolate everyday?!!".  lol  NOPE!  I am drinking a PROTEIN SHAKE HOT CHOCOLATE.  It's the easiest thing to do!  Now not every Protein powder is going to taste the same.  So sometimes you need to try a few different ones until you find the one that you really enjoy!!

Now you can have the comfort of a hot beverage and its not going to put the pounds on and have the added calories like a hot chocolate would!

Nina's Healthy Hot Chocolate
one scoop Chocolate protein powder 
1/4 cup cold water
hot water
splenda - optional

In a shaker cup put in one scoop protein powder.  Add the cold or room temperature water and shake well.  You should jsut have enough water in order for the powder to mix well, so you have no chunks.  Once you have shaken the powder up VERY well, about 30 sec, poor into your favorite mug.  Add in hot water until mug if full.  And there you go.....easy as that!  You can add in splenda or two, for those who have a sweet tooth!!

The protein powder I use right now is Myofusion, Milk Chocolate,  by Gaspari Nutrition.  Sold in GNC stores.

SO go grab your favorite mug and enjoy your hot chocolate protein shake!

NL xoxo


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