Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Enjoy Life! Take Care of YOU!

Posted by Nina Luchka ... the motivated mom at Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Sometimes there is just not enough time in a day, and I blame it on society and what it has done to all of us. We have taken on too much and we rush around and get a few things done on our HUGE to-do-list!  Its unfortunate that many people will jsut keep going, until they burnout or break down, not realizing that PROBABLY most of the things that they have on their to-do-list is MOST LIKELY not important at all.....
All the rushing around.... people getting stressed out.....no time for QUALITY family time....no time for exercise.....no time for THEMSELVES!  Its very sad.  And the fact is, is that when you are rushed around, stressed out, being pulled in different directions, and you dont take that 30 mins (at least) each day to exercise, your body WILL tell you in ways you may not like!  And how will you body tell you.....with health problems. 

Maybe you've already experienced them but jsut thought, "hmmm, must be age", "hmm i must be tired", etc.  Listen to your body as it will subtly whisper to you!  Maybe you all of a sudden have skin problems, or you get more headaches, or you are extremely tired.....these are ALL signs of the stressed out body that WILL one day soon, fall ill.

Who cares if the house is not cleaned THIS week.....
Who cares if you didn't get to the hairdressers this week....
Who cares if you didn't get the yardwork done today....
........go and spend time with your kids and spouse and get some exercise.   All those other things can wait another day or two to get to!
Make it a habit to go to bed at a decent time and wake up early!  Waking up early will honestly refresh your mind, and keep you feeling energized all day.  Wake up and exercise.  even if its for 20 mins.  Its something.  Get the blood flowing. 
Dont wake up and watch the news or read the newspaper!! The news is soooo negative.  My husband and I NEVER watch the news or read the paper (well, only the flyers!).  The news is always so depressing.  Why would I want that dragging my spirits down!

Eat healthy too!!  This will help your body throughout the day and to help your body fight off health issues.  You eat like shit, you WILL feel like shit!!  Thats as plain and bold as I can say it!  Get a varitey of fruits and veggies and DO NOT forget the lean proteins too!!!  Too many of you DO NOT eat enough protein!!

Slow down your life a bit and you will start to enjoy all the little things that life has to offer....instead of racing by them cause society keeps us running on empty.  And by the end of your life you wont be saying....."geeez, what did i do with my life"!

Something to think about.  Whats most important to YOU??  For me its MY FAMILY!, And also some of my friends (you know who you are) who have become my family as well. Spending time with loved ones and creating memories.....enjoying all of what life has to offer.....its such a great feeling inside.

NL xoxo


Anonymous said...

Disagree on the news watching part. This is an important part of educating yourself, communicating with others and staying informed. IMHO: It's as depressing as you make it. You cant shelter your life to what is going on outside, you are only fooling yourself.

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