Sunday, January 22, 2012

4 Months Now!

Posted by Nina Luchka ... the motivated mom at Sunday, January 22, 2012
4 months now and everything is EXACTLY  the same as the first pregnancy!  My husband is SOOOO FREAKIN EXCITED!!  I love it!!  He is SUCH  a fantastic dad (and husband of course)!!  I know everyone will always say that about their man, but I am dead serious!!  He is one in a million!!  My daughter and I are VERY lucky girls!! 
We will be finding out the sex of the baby in the the next few weeks!  I need to know so I can be prepared.  Vince wants to know REAL bad.....its actually funny to hear his excitment.  lol..   He's so cute.

I started back to working out again....feels great.  I will be posting workouts/exercises during the pregnancy and after pregnancy  (getting body back into shape).  This is great for Aspen to see mommy working out, as she will likely do the same.  She already comes to my bootcamp classes when vince works late and I dont have anyone to watch her, and she does what the ladies do,, cute and funny.  She even rolls out her yoga mat to do abs on!  She sets it up in between the ladies mats.  I'll have to videotape or take pics sometime.  She's asking to go again this week, but it is kinda late for her as shes in bed by 7:30pm, and I dont get home till 8pm.  But those days where my neice cant watch her cause she has class, and my sisterinlaw cant as she does live a half hour away, our only other option is that I have to take her to bootcamp.  Its late but she does love it......its a lot of work for me though!,,,,,

Get this one,.....last week, Vince didnt find out till 4pm that there was NO WAY he was going to be home on time ( i leave the house, latest, 5:45pm to get to Port Perry for 6:30pm).  My neice has class late that night, and my sisterinlaw had plans.  So we are stuck!!  Aspen only had a 20 min nap and was up early so that means she would be going to sleep around 7pm and NOW i have to take her to bootcamp which is WAY past her bedtime.  We jsut finished swimming, got in the truck and thats wehn vince called.  Its now 4:30pm, and if Aspen is coming to bootcamp I need to HURRY and get home and pack everything!!  So i rush home but its 4;30 and now its traffic and the roads are slow ( the storm just left but roads are messy).  I get home from swimming by 5pm and HAVE to have her changed, extra clothes packedm so food packed, a couple toys, AND feed her dinner all in 20 mins!!  Well, I was running behind, got food into her (left over pasta), and left the house by 5:45 which is late as i have to unpack everything when i get there plus unpack and get Aspen settled.
YOU MOMS THAT DO IT ALLwill appreciate this......and understand how hard it is......heres the quick breakdown......leave the house late after packing everything; jsut leave our street; I'm STARVING as i didnt have time to eat, AND im preggo so I NEED to eat; then Aspen needs to pee!!; we stop (which i DONT have time for) at A&W; I rush her in and she doesnt want to go!; I grab a sirlion burger (which is SO bad for the normal person nevermind a preggo- but had to eat); get to bootcamp right at 6:30pm; doors are locked; have to go find superintendent (at the hockey arena) running around looking for the superintendent, with a 2 year old in my arms; get inside finally; set up; girls warm up and start exercises and Aspen has to go to the bathroom; she ends up messing her pants abit; Im running back and forth from the bathroom to the gym room (right across the hall) and tell the girls when to switch exerices; Then Aspen finished on the toilet (poop) and now have to change her dirty pants WHILE i'm teaching class!;  End of class she is tired and cranky (poor little thing); on the way home she doesnt fall alseep but keeps asking to lay down.......I then break down into tears as this was all so stressful,.... running my own business, AND being a full time mom, and not a lot of help......thats when I wish my mom was still here!!!  SHE WOULD BE ALL OVER ASPEN AND THERE TO HELP ALL THE TIME!!!!  Aspen would have had a wonderful grandma.  Of course my dad is FANTASTIC with her (and calls almost everyday to see how things are) but wouldnt really know what to do.(old european - women did everything) 

PHEW....what a hectic 4 hours!  lol

But Vince and I manage with jsut the two of us!  Its VERY hard and hectic but we manage with the cards we were dealt. 

Nina xo


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