Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Pregnancy and Starving!!!

Posted by Nina Luchka ... the motivated mom at Tuesday, January 10, 2012
K I am now 3.5 months prego!  I am going through everything EXACTLY the same as the first pregnancy!  Now I dont mind the tiredness, or the exhaustion.  The nausea, wow....but the WORST is that some days and most evenings I am STARVING!!!!!!!!  STARVING like you wouldnt believe!! 

You that starving feeling you get when you have missed a meal and its been HOURS since you ate last and you could eat your arm you are SO FREAKIN hungry!!  Thats how I feel!!  And no matter WHAT I eat, it DOESNT fill the void!  Thats the worst part.  So I have to watch I dont over eat.  Its like a bottemless pit!  lol  Actually its not that funny. 

Now I know some of you will say "but you have to feed baby".  Yes you need a couple extra hundred calories, which is something small.  But when I can eat a bowl of pasta, toast with PB and honey, shake, drink more water, etc, and NOTHING fills that void, thats a little too much food for your body.  Just a little. lol  So i make sure I get enough food in for my body and baby, and then eat a couple hours later (sometimes closer cause i cant handle the hunger pains!).

Crazy!  Not sure if anyone else has experienced this.  This happened with the first pregnancy!! 
So you wil probably be seeing me posting more recipes as I will be experimenting with foods....cause im so hungry.

......it should pass soon though .....if its like the first pregnancy.

Nina xox


Anonymous said...

Eat an apple, its suppose to fill the hunger void.

Nina Luchka ... the motivated mom said...

Thanks but it doesnt work. I eat every 2 hours! I have to make sure I dont over eat. Even if its a HUGE meal, im STILL starving. Metabolism is just GOING FAST I guess. Thanks tho!

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