Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A New Venture.....Maybe?

Posted by Nina Luchka ... the motivated mom at Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Well, I've been contimplating on a new little venture for about 2 years now.  I've had some great ideas and jsut need to go forward with it....but whats stopping me??  Not sure.
It is something totally different then what I have been into and doing for over 10 years now.  That doesnt mean that I will stop doing the fitness stuff like bootcamps and Dryland training for sports teams, but adding in yet another project.

I am the Motivated Mom....and definitely a mom on the go! 

I've always been business focused.....always looking to open my own business as this is a great way to make a good income and have some freedom as well (once its been established).  But I also feel this is great for my kids to be brought up in a family that is all self employed....they see how hard to work for the things we want in life and what we want out of life. 

I run bootcamps, dryland training, and online fitness programs for general people and for the competitive side.  I do tanning, hair and makeup at most shows and this year I have partnered up with two other great gals to create one AMAZING tanning, makeup and hair business (called Pro Quality).  We have exclusive rights to all OPA shows which is great!!  I am self employed with Body by vi, an amazing MLM business that is so rewarding!!   And now Im looking to venture into something totally different!!  Im still going to keep it on the Downlow, but some of you do already know what my interest is in.  I will still be keeping and doing all the other business as well...as fitness and sports has always been a passion that I jsut cant ever let go, and well the other 2 businesses...they make a great side income. 

......all this and I still take care of my little one and have another on the way....so things will be even more hectic but I will jsut juggle things around and it all works out.  I LOVE bing a mom and even more, I LOVE being a Motivated Mom....always on the go!  Making sure I always have time for teaching Aspen everything I can everyday!!  Its harder to get things done but I honestly wouldnt have it any other way.  Aspen is such a little adult....her remarks and how her character is so past her age!...its priceless. 

All you moms out there understand how we juggle and accomodate and work around our kids.....

Here I am working at my computer with Aspen sitting on my lap playing with her stickers.  Lots of interruptions and it all takes time.....but it will get done.  A HUGE change for me....but i adjusted really well and really fast.  I believe we should ALWAYS pay attention to our little ones.  They are trying to understand things and they dont get what "wait 5 mins please" is.  We need to understand things from THEIR perspective and how they see things.....and we teach them that way.  Less stress on the parent and the child.  Too many parents dont pay attention to their kids... I see it at the mall all the time!!!  But thats for another Blog post!

For now.....my new venture is nicely being created and visualized in my mind.....jsut a matter of time it will be well on its way!  So all you moms and moms-to-be....stay tuned! ;)

Nina - the motivated mom....


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