Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Best Undies for Little Girls

Posted by Nina Luchka ... the motivated mom at Wednesday, July 13, 2011
My little girl is almost potty trained!!  Vince and I are soooo proud of her.  We bought her a potty back when she turned a year and would basically let her play (sit) on it when we would go to the washroom.  We never pressured her once. 
Over the past few months I have put her in undies occaionally....and she has her accidents but ah well.  I wanted her to get used to the idea of undies, plus undies make it more uncomfortable when wet.  I never used the "pullup diaper" as they are still big and bulky.  Who wants big and bulky!  lol
Each accident she has, we stay positive each putting her down, or negative remark.  Well I can say that she is finally getting it.  She understands when she has to go now!  Took a couple weeks of her going on the floor and pointing to it to clean it up! lol Then a couple weeks of her running for the washroom and saying "PEE PEE! PEE PEE!"....and only to get there and she has already gone in her undies. lol  Oh its too cute.  Now, she has been going on the little toilet every single time she needs to go, ALL DAY for the past 4 days now!!!  She even goes #2...YES, poop! 
So I am happy that probably by the time her 2nd birthday rolls around she will be kicking those diapers to the curb and cruzin around in her undies!
I never really looked at undies for her but when I went shopping in Port Perry at the Cuddley Bunny and found some undies there, not knowing what they were all about.  These undies are called Girl Gotch!  They look like little boys underwear.  I thought they were the cutiest thing!  Check out their site at and see why these undies are so fantastic!  They are also Canadian Made! 
Aspen is a tiny little girl and I have to get smaller pants and shorts so that they dont fall off her.....her diaper actually holds them up. lol  So i was hoping that these undies wouldnt fall off....NOPE!  Not a chance!!!  FANTASTIC!!!
I HIGHLY recommend Girl Gotch undies to EVERY SINGLE mommy who has a little girl!!

It's all  high fives over  at our house all day now!!

NL xoxo


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