Monday, August 15, 2011

Too Many Hands.....Fussy, Fussy, Fussy!

Posted by Nina Luchka ... the motivated mom at Monday, August 15, 2011
Well, its almost the end of the month which means my little girl will be 2!!  TWO!!  OMG time DOES fly.  And I must say that I made every day count!  I'm planning her birthday party and so enjoying it.

So, I was remembering when Aspen was first born.....this is something new moms/moms-to-be SHOULD think of......handling the new born.  When I was pregnant and speaking with the lamaze teacher, a couple nurses, the doctor and a few moms, they ALL highly recommended, NOT LET BABY BE HANDLED BY EVERYONE!!  My husband and I told this to a few people when Aspen was born and some did NOT like our choice.....but ah well!  Now the reason for not handing around baby and why some recommend this, is that when baby is born, you want baby to know your touch, the way you hold and know that YOU are the one that will comfort baby.  If baby is handled and tossed around to everyone baby gets stressed out which can be very harmful to baby.  Plus, you will most likely be stuck with a baby that will cry and not be comforted by your touch.  Baby has to get used to you, bond with you, know your special touch.

We also told people that we do not want visitors at the hospital or at the house for a bit....let us bond with our new little girl and get used to things OUR way.  Yes you will piss the odd person off, but most are understanding.  I would also have visitors come to the house always at the wrong time....breastfeeding/pumping (as I had to do both).  I refused to answer the door!  Some people jsut didnt understand.  But most would call and see what time would be a good time and if I was up for company.  You will get all kinds during this important bonding time, but stick to what YOU want to do or how you want to do things. 

Here is a link to read but take a look at the comments to see what others say as well....

For those who are going to do this on their next child, good luck on pleasing everyone.  lol  It happens.  Some people jsut dont understand, or respect your way.  I am VERY happy that we stuck by our plan of not having baby handled by many or have many visitors the first 2 weeks, and I must say we had a FANTASTIC baby!  Aspen slept well and was NEVER fussy.  She was such a great baby. ......  Buuut, not a baby anymore!  My little sweetie is a toddler now.

Be sure to stick to how you want to have things happen when baby comes in to the world.  Be vocal.  Those who dont understand.....they'll get over it. ;)

I will be posting soon on a baby's immune system and the importance of keeping baby away from germs.

Just some info from what I went thro....lots more to come.  enjoy.

NL xoxo 


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