Friday, September 16, 2011

Colds and Salt Candles

Posted by Nina Luchka ... the motivated mom at Friday, September 16, 2011
So my little one has a stuffed up nose!  No coughing, no constant sneezing, jsut a stuffy nose that sometimes runs.  Its that season....but I think she got it from the little boy who was over for her birthday!  He had a terrible running nose....poor little thing.  Anyways, because she jsut started with the stuffed nose, out come all the salt candle holders!!  I usually have a couple candles burning and one will be in a salt candle most days during the week.  I LOVE my candles!  But when the "stuffed nose" season comes, I start burning all my candles!  I wil place them all over the room and be sure to have them burning in the bedroom while aspen sleeps.  (no worries, i have them in a very safe spot and they cant tip over).

But, did you know the BENEFITS of salt candles?  They provide relief from hay fever, asthma and allergy relief, improvement with sinus related illnesses, migraines and reduce susceptibility to colds and flu!  Since I started burning all the salt candles, her nose is not as stuffed anymore. 

Now if you dont know too much about Himalayan Salt Candles, you should read more about them.  Even Himalayan salt!  I have been using this salt for years now.  I do not use regular salt in my house!  Even bath salts!   Regular salt is processed and is very toxic to the body.  So go buy some Himalayan salt from your local health food store.  Those who are salt lovers, you wont even notice the difference in taste.....but you will feel a heck of a lot better using this salt.

Himalayan Salt

Himalayan Salt Candles

So go out and buy a few of the salt candles and have them burning during the allergy season and colds and flu season.


NL xoxo


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