Thursday, September 15, 2011

Just ask "HOW", And Maybe You'll Get Somewhere.

Posted by Nina Luchka ... the motivated mom at Thursday, September 15, 2011
I'm an observer.....some people may think that I'm snotty or "bitchy" as I do keep quiet and to myself most times.....until you get to know me! ;)  Then I can be loud and LOVE to joke around!!!  Its all about having fun!  But I observe a lot.  And jsut recently I see quite a few people that are FAKE!  Now they THINK they are nice and THINK they can hide that they really dont like you.  lol.  Yes I know, how in the world can someone NOT like me!!  lol  Well, it happens.  But seriously, i have often wondered and asked (qualified people ;)) "why dont some (certain) people like me"?  You may find this with yourself as most of us do.  INSECURITY and/or JEALOUSY!  Thats what it comes down to.

Now people who suffer from insecurities and jealous tendencies jsut cant stand to be around people who achieve goals in life, work hard, make good money, have nice things, take care of themselves, eat healthy, have a great spouse, etc, whatever it may be.  They will put on this fake front, and say hi in a higher pitch (lol....SOOOOO obvious!), or maybe its the big smile that turns into the straight face stare at the end!  lol  Gotta love that one!  Or the ones who pretend to be soooo interested in how work is going or what you are into.....ya, nice try!  lol  For those who are fake.....WE CAN SEE IT!  Lol!!!

I just dont get it!  Why would people be jealous of any of those things.  Me, I dont get jealous but I envy them!....and then I will ask them how!  Seriously!  I have asked many people "how" they have achieved certain things (whatever it is).  This is how you will learn instead of staying in the same old spot you are stuck in.  This is why I'm a huge observer.  I LOVE to learn HOW!  And then ask!  This is how I have gotten to where I am in life. 

And for those who have people around them (family, friends, coworkers) that suffer from insecurities and jealous tendencies, DONT let them bring you down or change your ways!  They dont like that you like to dress up....too bad!  They dont like that you have a great spouse.....too bad!  They dont like how successful you are.......too bad!  Definitely dont need those type of "negative" people around.

Surround yourself with people that have positive and outgoing personalities!  Remember, "you are the company you keep".

Now go be a strong individual and dont look for the "ok" from others.  Do things the average person does not do!  Dont follow the crowd!  Create YOUR OWN unique much more satisfying!

I must say, I LOVE my life!  I LOVE my family! I LOVE my business!  I LOVE my friends!  And all cause I LOVE to do what most will not do.......think outside the box and be an GREAT!

NL xoxo


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