Aspen's new Columbia Jacket. This jacket is SOOOO cute on Aspen!!!
Since Vince and I LOVE the outdoors, we also got a carrier for aspen and baby will be able to use it as well.
We have a baby bjorn for baby already as we used it a lot with Aspen. This new carrier holds up to 40 lbs. We have already went on a few walks out in the back bush with Aspen in the carrier....until she gets bored and wants to walk. Here's a cute pick of Aspen and Vince walking....Aspen had to walk just like daddy, with her hands in her pockets!! LOL So cute!
Looks like we are going back to pick up a tent too!! She had so much fun in all the tent displays and now she has been asking for one. We WILL be sleeping outside some nights this summer....I think she will have a blast! I LOVED tents growing up....actually, still do. I would sleep in the tent ALL summer until late september! NO joke! Up until I met Vince which was age 20!!!! I LOVE the outdoors and all the fresh air. Looks like I get to spend the nights outside again.....of course for Aspen's sake. ;)!!
I'll be sure to post pics and blog about our first sleepover outside in the tent....we almost did when it was warm out last week!
Nina xo
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